
A link to Papers by Topic

Working Papers (Comments welcome)

Flash Pass (joint with Zihao Zhou), March 2025.

Unprecedented (joint with Satoshi Fukuda), December 2024.

Dynamic User Competition in the Bitcoin Market (joint with Shunya Noda), 2022.

Sequential Exchange with Stochastic Transaction Costs (joint with Neel Rao), August 2018.

  • Online Appendix. Previously circulated as "Sequential Implementation of Unenforceable Contracts with Stochastic Transaction Costs."

Naive and Sophisticated Choices under Intransitive Indifference, January 2016.

  • Previously circulated as "Naive and Sophisticated Pair-Dominant Choices."

Multi-Agent Search with Deadline (joint with Nozomu Muto), January, 2015.

  • This paper took us such a long time, but we proudly finished revising! The version with additional materials in the main text is here. An earlier version of the paper referred to in the new version is here.

Timing of Trades, Welfare, and Price Dispersion (joint with Ryota Iijima), 2014.

Asynchronous Revision Games (joint with Michihiro Kandori), February 2012.

The Effect of Correlated Inertia on Coordination (joint with Yuhta Ishii), April 2011.

Revise/Resubmit Papers

No paper in this category!

Published/Accepted Papers

Fair Matching under Constraints: Theory and Applications (joint with Fuhito Kojima), October 2020.

Cooperation in Revision Games and Some Applications (joint with Michihiro Kandori), 2020, Global Economic Review (Cho Prize Paper), 49(4): 329-348.

Negotiations with Limited Specifiability (joint with Satoshi Fukuda), March 2020.

Optimal Timing of Policy Announcements in Dynamic Election Campaigns (joint with Takuo Sugaya), February 2020.

Extreme Donors and Policy Convergence (joint with Daisuke Hirata), 2020, Social Choice and Welfare, 55: 149-176.

  • Previously circulated as "Electoral Policies with Campaign Contributions" and "Electoral Lobbyists and Policy Convergence"

Revision Games (joint with Michihiro Kandori), 2020, Econometrica, 88(4): 1599-1630.

Contracting with Word-of-Mouth Management (joint with Aniko Oery), May 2019.

  • Accepted, Management Science. Online Supplementary Appendix. Previously circulated as "Encouraging Word of Mouth: Free Contracts, Referral Programs, or Both?"

Accommodating Various Policy Goals in Matching with Constraints (joint with Fuhito Kojima), 2019, Japanese Economic Review, 71 (Special Issue): 101-133.

Recent Developments in Matching with Constraints (joint with Fuhito Kojima), 2017, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 107(5): 200-204.

Stability Concepts in Matching under Distributional Constraints (joint with Fuhito Kojima), 2017, Journal of Economic Theory, 168: 107-142.

Social Distance and Network Structures (joint with Ryota Iijima), 2017, Theoretical Economics, 12(2): 655-689.

Efficient Matching under Distributional Constraints: Theory and Applications (joint with Fuhito Kojima), 2015, American Economic Review, 105(1): 67-99.

Rationalizable Partition-Confirmed Equilibrium (joint with Drew Fudenberg), 2015, Theoretical Economics, 10(3): 775-806.

Voter Preferences, Polarization, and Electoral Policies (joint with Fuhito Kojima), 2014, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 6(4): 203-236.

The Equivalence Between Costly and Probabilistic Voting Models (joint with Fuhito Kojima), 2013, Games and Economic Behavior, 80: 179-185.

Asynchronicity and Coordination in Common and Opposing Interest Games (joint with Riccardo Calcagno, Stefano Lovo, and Takuo Sugaya), 2014, Theoretical Economics, 9(2): 409-434.

Hierarchical cheap talk (joint with Attila Ambrus and Eduardo Azevedo), 2013, Theoretical Economics, 8(1): 233-261.

Stability and Strategy-Proofness for Matching with Constraints: A Problem in the Japanese Medical Match and Its Solution (joint with Fuhito Kojima), 2012, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 102(3), 366-370.

(Non-refereed, invited) Matching Theory and Its Applications: "Regional Imbalance of Medical Residents" and Its Solutions (in Japanese) (joint with Fuhito Kojima and Jun Wako), 2011, Iryo-Keizai Kenkyu (Research in Health Economics). 23 (1): 5-19.

Information Can Wreck Cooperation: A Counterpoint to Kandori (1992) (joint with Scott D. Kominers), 2010, Economics Letters, 107 (2): 112-114.

Strongly Consistent Self-Confirming Equilibrium, 2010, Econometrica 78(2): 823-832.


All Content Copyright © Yuichiro Kamada.